Abstract. C6H4C12, monoclinic y-phase, P2ffc, a = 8.624(2), b=6.02I (2), c=7.414 (2) A, fl= 127.51 (1)°, Z=2, R = 0.044 for 797 reflections. Crystals of y-DCB were grown from ethanol solution at 250 K and analyzed at 100 K. The benzene ring bond lengths are in good agreement (1.391 + 0.004 A)and the chlorine atoms are displaced 0.045 A from the benzene plane.Introduction. Hexagonal plates suitable for X-ray analysis were obtained from a saturated ethanol solution at -25°C. Evaporation of the solvent was aided by passing a gentle stream of nitrogen over the solvent. To prevent the y -+ e phase transition, the filtering and crystal mounting procedures were performed in a large freezer maintained at -20°C. A specimen 0.3 x 0.3 x 0-1 mm was selected and placed in a quartz capillary which had been previously attached to an Air Products cryo-tip goniometer. After the capillary was sealed and covered with a beryllium vacuum shroud, the cryostat was activated and the goniometer removed from the freezer. Cell dimensions and a total of 890 (797> 3aF) intensity data were determined at 100+ 5K on a Picker FACS-I diffractometer using Mo radiation and a graphite monochromator (2=0.71069 A). The data set included all reflections to 20=55 ° plus