“…The following compounds were found in the leaves: an antifungal melampolide, 8-angeloyl-1(10),4,11(13)-germacuratrien-12,6-olid-14-oic acid methyl ester, named sonchifolin, and three known melampolides, polymatin B, uvedalin and enhydrin (Inoue et al 1995 ); protocatechuic (2.5 and 0.12 mg/g), chlorogenic (9.9 and 1.7 mg/g), caffeic (14.7 and 0.09 mg/g) and ferulic (traces) acids ; six sesquiterpene lactones, 8β-tigloyloxymelampolid-14-oic acid methyl ester, 8β-methacryloyloxymelampolid-14-oic acid methyl ester, sonchifolin, uvedalin, enhydrin and fl uctuanin (Lin et al 2003 ); chlorogenic, caffeic and ferulic acid, isomers of dicaffeoylquinic acid, an unidentifi ed derivative of chlorogenic acid, fl avonoid quercetin and an unidentifi ed fl avonoid (Simonovska et al 2003 ); four diterpenoids named smaditerpenic acid A-D and fi ve known compounds (Dou et al 2008b ); ent -kaurane-3β,16β,17,18-tertol, 3 R ,7 E -9-butoxylmegastigma-3-ol-3-O -β-D -glucopyranoside, 3 S ,5 R ,6Z-megastigma-6-en-3,5,8,9-tertol and fi ve known compounds octacosanol, 3′,4′,5-trihydroxy-3,7-dimethoxyfl avone, 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde, isorhamnetin and ent -kaurane-3β,16β,17-triol (Qiu et al 2008 ); ent -kaurenoic acid (Ragusa et al 2008 ); smallanthaditerpenic acid A, smallanthaditerpenic acid B, smallanthaditerpenic acid C, smallanthaditerpenic acid D, ent -kaurane-3β, 16β, 17, 19-tetrol and ent -kaurane-16β, 17, 18, 19-tetrol (Dou et al 2008a ); gallic acid, β-sitosterol, behenic acid, kaempferol, quercetin, vanillic acid and hexadecanoic acid (Xie et al 2008 ); two new melampolide-type sesquiterpene lactones, 8β-epoxyangeloyloxy-9α-ethoxy-14-oxo-acanthospermolide and 8β-angeloyloxy-9α-ethoxy-14-oxo-acanthospermolide along with 11 known melampolide allo-schkuhriolide, enhydrin, polymatin A, fl uctuanin, 8β-angeloyloxy-9α-acetoxy-14-oxo-acanthospermolide, 8β-angeloyloxy-14-oxo-acanthospermolide, 8β-methacryloyloxymelampolid-14-oic acid methyl ester, uvedalin, polymatin B, 8β-tigloyloxymelampolid-14-oic acid methyl ester and sonchifolin (Hong et al 2008 ); octadecatrienoic acid elucidated as 13( R )-hydroxy-octadeca-(9 E ,11 E ,15 Z )-trienoic acid and a benzyl glycoside elucidated as benzyl alcohol 7-O -α-L -arabinopyranosyl(1″→2′)-β-D -glucopyranoside, along with a known compound 13( R )-hydroxy-octadeca-(9 Z ,11 E ,15 Z )-trienoic acid (Xiang et al 2009 ); smallanthaditerpenic acids A, B, C and D and chlorogenic and caffeic acids ( Xiang et al 2010b ); two diterpenes, named ent -kaurane-3β, 16β,17, 19-tetrol and entkaurane -16β,17,18,19-tetrol (Dou et al 2010 ); a hexenol glycoside elucidated as Z -hex-3-en-1-ol O -α-L -arabinopyransyl (1″→2′)-β-D -glucopyranoside and two known compounds ent -15β-hydroxy-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid and ent-18-hydroxy-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid (Xiang et al 2010a ); caffeic, chlorogenic and three dicaffeoylquinic acids and enhydrin (Genta et al 2010 ); two ...…”