An examination of the mass spectral behaviour of cordifolin A 1 (3fi,I6a-dihydroxy-20,25-epoxy-1 9 ( 1 0+9P)abeo-1 Oa-lanost-5-en-1 1,22-dione), 3-0-po-glucopyranosyl-6,1-p-D-glucopyranosidecord ifol in A 2, 22a-hydroxy-23,24-de hydrocordifol i n A 3, and 22 -deoxo-23,24-de hydrocordif 01 in A 4, isolated from Fevillea cordifolia (Cucurbitaceae), illustrates the diagnostic fragmentation pathways that occur in these cucurbitacins. Tandem mass spectrometry allowed the construction of a detailed fragmentation map of 1. The structure elucidation of compounds 2-4 and their El, CI and FAB MS as well as those of cordifolin A 1 are discussed.