The presentw ork reports the preparationo fashort-ordered Na x Ta O y ·n H 2 Oc atalystt hat exhibitse xceptional and highly efficient photocatalytic reactivity towarda erobic oxidation relative to its crystalline counterpart. Synchrotron radiation wide-angle X-ray scattering and transmissione lectron microscopy results indicated that the as-synthesized catalysts hows short-ordered features with well-controlled short-range ordering limits and defect chemistry.T he short-ordered structure of Na x Ta O y ·n H 2 O predicted large amountso fd efective centers and high surface areas that may playc ritical roles in visible-light harvesting and photocatalytic aerobic oxidation. This work may provide an ovel strategy for the development of short-ordered catalytic systemsw ith well-controlled defectc hemistry that exhibit highly efficient photocatalytic properties.In view of future environmentala nd energyc oncerns,c hemical conversionsi ncluding organic synthesis, water splitting, and degradation of pollutants through photocatalytic processes utilizing solar energy are regardeda sp romising. [1,2] Particularly, selectivea erobic oxidation to carbonyl compounds triggered by solar energy has attracted enormous interest, because it uses O 2 as the oxidizing agent in lieu of expensive, toxic, and corrosiveo xidants.[3] Although selectivea erobic oxidation with O 2 can be achievedb yu sing noblem etal catalysts and/or transition-metal complexes, [4,5] photocatalytic processes show advantageso ver noblem etal/complex catalytic systemso wing to their environmentally benign properties and the benefit of using solar energy as am otivating force. Several substrates (e.g.,a lcohols and amines)c an be successfully oxidized by photocatalysts under UV/visible-light irradiation, but low catalytic activity in the visible region is still ac ritical issue.For visible-light harvesting purposes, great efforts have been dedicated to regulating the electronic structure, crystallinity, and lattice structure of these materials, as these properties often have ag reat impact on photocatalytic activity.F or instance,d isordered semiconductors give rise to defective midgaps tates, and this leads to continuous band-gap narrowing and remarkable separation of the geminate photocarrier pair, [6] whicha re vital to concerted catalysis of electron/hole pairs in aerobic oxidation to ensure high selectivity.[3] Basically, higher crystallinity and less structural disordering lead to higher photocatalytic activity. [7,8] Nevertheless, recent studies indicatet hat short-ordered semiconductors, especially amorphouss emiconductors, can also give superior photocatalytic activity. [9,10] For instance, amorphous TiO 2 and NaTaO x werer eported to show higherp hotocatalytic activityf or dye degradation and water splitting than their crystalline counterparts. [11,12] From the viewpoint of unprecedented practical applications, as ystemic identification of disordered semiconductors and their photocatalytic behavior is stilln ecessary,b ecause it is advantageousf or th...