Abstract. Crustal thickness is an important factor affecting lithospheric structure and
deep geodynamics. In this paper, a deep learning neural network based on a
stacked sparse auto-encoder is proposed for the inversion of crustal
thickness in eastern Tibet and the western Yangtze craton. First, with the
phase velocity of the Rayleigh surface wave as input and the theoretical
crustal thickness as output, 12 deep-sSAE neural networks are constructed,
which are trained by 380 000 and tested by 120 000 theoretical models. We
then invert the observed phase velocities through these 12 neural networks.
According to the test error and misfit of other crustal thickness models, the
optimal crustal thickness model is selected as the crustal thickness of the
study area. Compared with other ways to detect crustal thickness such as
seismic wave reflection and receiver function, we adopt a new way for
inversion of earth model parameters, and realize that a deep learning neural
network based on data driven with the highly non-linear mapping ability can
be widely used by geophysicists, and our result has good agreement with
high-resolution crustal thickness models. Compared with other methods, our
experimental results based on a deep learning neural network and a new
Rayleigh wave phase velocity model reveal some details: there is a
northward-dipping Moho gradient zone in the Qiangtang block and a relatively
shallow north-west–south-east oriented crust at the Songpan–Ganzi block.
Crustal thickness around Xi'an and the Ordos basin is shallow, about 35 km.
The change in crustal thickness in the Sichuan–Yunnan block is sharp, where
crustal thickness is 60 km north-west and 35 km south-east. We conclude
that the deep learning neural network is a promising, efficient, and
believable geophysical inversion tool.