nanoparticles supported by the yttria-stabilized zirconia
(111) surface show several preferential epitaxial relationships, as
revealed by in situ X-ray diffraction. The two main nanoparticle orientations
are found to have their [111] direction parallel to the substrate
surface normal and ∼41.3 degrees tilted from this direction.
The former orientation is described by a cube-on-cube stacking at
the oxide–metal interface and the latter by a so-called coherent
tilt strain-relieving mechanism, which is hitherto unreported for
nanoparticles in literature. A modified Wulff construction used for
the 111-oriented particles results in a value of the adhesion energy
ranging from 1.4 to 2.2 Jm2, whereby the lower end corresponds
to more rounded particles and the upper to relatively flat geometries.
Upon oxidation at 10–3 Pa of molecular oxygen and
673 K, a NiO shell forms epitaxially on the [111]-oriented particles.
Only a monolayer of metallic nickel of the top (111) facets oxidizes,
whereas the side facets seem to react more severely. An apparent size
increase of the remaining metallic Ni core is discussed in relation
to a size-dependent oxidation mechanism, whereby smaller nanoparticles
react at a faster rate. We argue that such a preferential oxidation
mechanism, which inactivates the smallest and most reactive metal
nanoparticles, might play a role for the long-term degradation of
solid oxide fuel cells.