This art)tic reports on a companion of the tl,ller~clion tf AP' and F with two GTP.hindmg proteins, clonga;ion factor T-(~F-To} ~nd the humtune scnsllWC regulatory protein ((3 protein) O.z The racthodolo$1¢x tbotcn to elucidate i~ssihle interactions hot.ten protein and alumplum fluoride were Iluor¢~:en~e ~r~clro~:opy and nuclear raagn¢tl¢ r<,~onan¢¢ ()"F.NM R) Bolh prottm~ have tryptoph~n residues near their nucleolide bindlnl| ~lte~, the pu~orted s)t¢ of aluminum fluoride inter~¢lloll It hal bccn assumed for O prnt¢ins (including GQ~) theft ~tluminum the pre~en¢© of Mg ~', rarefies the ntagnes~um coordinated >.phosphate group for the ODP.fou~ of the protein .nd shifts the. protein's confom~a-t~on toward the active GTP.rorm Indeed, ch~nl~es m intrmdc tluoresc©nce of G,.= effected hy aluramura fluoride .re observed The pre~nce of al~m)num fluoride did not ~ffcct the intrinsic fiuore~ccn~c, s~ctra or hfctlmc~, of EF.Tu,GDP. t'~F-NM R w~s then u~d to directly test for bound F-Fluonde alone o, ~)t the prts¢o~.¢ of either protein IW, e = ~lngle ~"F.NMR peak at -10 ppm, ch~ra¢tcnstl¢ of free F" With th~ add,finn ofaluramum 1o 1h¢ protein ,rid F sample~ a ~ccond I'~k, shifted upfi¢ld from the first to -29 ppm. was observed for Go= GDP This (econd pc.k, which has been uss,gncd to protein.bound F , was not ob,~ervcd for EF.Tu GDP These ob~rval|on~ show that Ih~ interaction of AI '~'' and F =. in the pr¢,,cn¢c of' MB q', may ~ qmte d)ffcrent Ixt~ccn the hom'mne.sensmv¢ G prulems, which bind ulumlnum Ihlonde, and the GTPbinding proteins as a whole, which include EF.Tu Cam must therefore b= exercised when structural data oq the elongahon factor, sl~cd~cally on the nucleot~dc s~te, are used to )nierpret data or compose models intended to descnb, e the horrnone.sens=twc regulatory G proteins
MATERIALS AND METHODSGuanosme 5 '-dJphosphate (GDP), phenylmct hanesulfonyl floor,de (PMSF), and tns(hydroxymethyl)am,nomethane (Tns) were purchased from Sigma Biocheraicals [8.mH]GDP was obtained through Amersl~am, and dJthtothreltol (DTT) was from Pierce Cheralcal Co AICI~ v, as from Malhnkrodt MgClz and NaF were purchased from J T Baker Chemical Co EF-Tu ~as punned from Escherrchta cob MRE600 paste (Gram Processing, lnc ) by the method of Leberman et al [6] GDP-bmdm8 actw~ty of the EF-Tu was determined using the filter assay as described by Mdler and Welssbach [7], and the total EF.Tu GDP concentrauon v, as determlned using an extmcuon coefficient at 280 nm of 29 200 M -)cra-) [8] Preparatmns were rout,nelY stored at -80"C m 50 mM Tns pH 7 6, I0 ram M8C12, I ram NAN,, 0 $ mM DTT, I0 zM GDP, and I0 ~M PMSF All measurements were performed at 20=C The EF.I'u NMR samples were put into buffer containing 80% DzO
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