The aim of this study is to design and develop an autonomous fire proof rescue robot. The robot is designed in such a way, that it can traverse through fire and hazardous situations. Further, it will sense and communicate information regarding these situations in real time with the server. The robot is fixed with multi-sensors and further, a driver circuit has been integrated for communication in these hazardous situations through Zigbee and a data acquisition system (DAQ). In mechanical design first, a 3D solid model is generated using Solid works software to understand the basic structure of robot which provides information regarding robotic platform, size and location of various components. The developed fire fighting robot is a predominately outdoor ground-based mobile robotic system with onboard subdual systems that can traverse autonomously in the hazardous environment. The robot is designed such that it can traverse into the fire and send information regarding the fire behaviour and also the images of the victim's location by using a camera. Further, a mathematical model which describes the kinematics and dynamic behaviour of robot motion are done. V-REP is used to create the simulation of the robot in a fire simulated fire environment. Finally, for the path planning, various techniques are discussed such as V-REPs inbuilt path planning module, A*, Fuzzy logic and artificial potential fields.