is a unique organization whose charitable, educational, and scientific purpose evolves from the singular relationship between the Institute and the pulp and paper industry which has existed since 1929. The purpose of the Institute is fulfilled through three missions, which are:• to provide high quality students with a multidisciplinary graduate educational experience which is of the highest standard of excellence recognized by the national academic community and which enables them to perform to their maximum potential in a society with a technological base; and• to sustain an international position of leadership in dynamic scientific research which is participated in by both students and faculty and which is focused on areas of significance to the pulp and paper industry; and• to contribute to the economic and technical well-being of the nation through innovative educational, informational, and technical services. ACCREDITATION The Institute of Paper Science and Technology is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees.
NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER -The Institute of Paper Science and Technology (IPST) has provided a high standard of professional service and has put forth its best efforts within the time and funds available for this project. The information and conclusions are advisory and are intended only for internal use by any company who may receive this report. Each company must decide for itself the best approach to solving any problems it may have and how, or whether, this reported information should be considered in its approach.IPST does not recommend particular products, procedures, materials, or service. These are included only in the interest of completeness within a laboratory context and budgetary constraint. Actual products, procedures, materials, and services used may differ and are peculiar to the operations of each company.In no event shall IPST or its employees and agents have any obligation or liability for damages including, but not limited to, consequential damages arising out of or in connection with any company's use of or inability to use the reported information. IPST provides no warranty or guaranty of results.The Institute of Paper Science and Technology assures equal opportunity to all qualified persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, or Vietnam era veterans status in the admission to, participation in, treatment of, or employment in the programs and activities which the Institute operates. THE INFLUENCE OF THE BLEACHING MEDIUM ON CAUSTIC EXTRACTION EFFICIENC Y (II): OXIDIZED LIGNIN SOLUB_ITY