DOI: 10.4018/joeuc.2017070103
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Student Resistance to a Mandatory Learning Management System in Online Supply Chain Courses

Abstract: The authors explored how a technology model captured the factors that motivated and demotivated students to accept a new learning management system in online supply chain courses at an accredited public American university. Technology resistance is a well-known social science problem that results in reduced performance in business although it has rarely been examined in higher education. A new LMS is mandatory technology that is necessary to use in order to perform well in online global supply chain management… Show more

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Cited by 17 publications
(8 citation statements)
References 46 publications
(102 reference statements)
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“…Moreover, PEOU indirectly influences their intentions through PU, on behalf of the user to experience speech input of easy to operate, and will affect them to perceive the usefulness of this input method. These findings are also consistent with previous literature on TAM [57,61,62]. To sum up the above results, when users perceive that speech input is easy to use, they will consider the usefulness of the input method, which will also affect the ITU of users about this technology.…”
Section: Discussion Of Resultssupporting
confidence: 91%
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“…Moreover, PEOU indirectly influences their intentions through PU, on behalf of the user to experience speech input of easy to operate, and will affect them to perceive the usefulness of this input method. These findings are also consistent with previous literature on TAM [57,61,62]. To sum up the above results, when users perceive that speech input is easy to use, they will consider the usefulness of the input method, which will also affect the ITU of users about this technology.…”
Section: Discussion Of Resultssupporting
confidence: 91%
“…When consumers have an unfavorable impression on the brand, quality, or the country of origin of the product, image barrier will occur [54], which usually indicates that the negative impression on innovation comes from the change in nature or image of the product [56]. Above all, this theory has been broadly applied to various innovation resistance research on information systems, such as learning management systems [57], digital payment systems [58], and infotainment system [4]. Therefore, this theory is suitable to apply to the proposed research model of the current study.…”
Section: Innovation Resistance Theory (Irt)mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, they do not have a platform to do any other works, and researchers also suggest that these institutional systems are not yet in compliance with the standards. Other weaknesses also included high support and sales costs, unusable interface due to limited number of screens, compatibility with smart devices, students' rejection of mandatory software, and students' limited ability to take on developer roles despite learning enhancement objectives [9]- [11]. In response to these problems, online learning platforms have been developed to provide online learners with an alternative to the conventional ways of receiving information across typically large e-learning networks [12].…”
Section: Literature Reviewmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Some of frequently reported weak points are: high costs of development and continuous maintenance; user interface is often non-responsive, i.e. not adapted to small screens typical of mobile devices; students sometimes oppose to mandatory software, while teachers, who are expected to design learning content, are sometimes not ready to take this new role of course creators [18], [19], [20]. As a part of an answer to these challenges, small e-learning applications or microlearning applications have appeared lately as an alternative to learning content in typically large elearning systems [21].…”
Section: Online Educational Systemsmentioning
confidence: 99%