In modern agriculture, urban farming has gained prominence as a sustainable approach. This study, titled 'The Level of Knowledge of Year 6 Students Regarding Urban Farming Through a Hydroponics Questionnaire,' aimed to evaluate the hydroponics knowledge of Year 6 primary school students in urban and rural settings. The research involved 200 Year 6 students from primary schools in Malaysia, with 100 randomly selected from an urban school in Kuala Lumpur and 100 from a rural school in Negeri Sembilan. The primary objective is to assess their hydroponics knowledge using a 10-item Likert-scale questionnaire with response categories: agree, disagree, and uncertain. Data analysis, including a t-test and correlation in IBM Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) Statistics 27.0, yielded intriguing results. Urban students scored slightly higher (min = 2.97) than their rural counterparts (min = 2.70), suggesting a comparable knowledge level. Additionally, no significant correlation was found between hydroponic knowledge and parents' socioeconomic status. These findings provide insights into primary school students' hydroponics knowledge, supporting educators in promoting sustainable agriculture in line with Sustainable Development Goal 2.0 (zero hunger). Hence, the surprise finding demands a detailed hydroponics study.