In this report, youths are divided into three different groups:Native-born with at least one native-born parent Descendant: native-born with two foreign-born parents
Foreign-born with two foreign-born parents
Fact box 2Definitions for childcare and education used in the text Childcare: a collective term for family day care and preschool activities. Preschool: early childhood education as a whole, usually for children aged 1-6 years, until they start primary school. The definition is common in Nordic countries and comparing with international definitions includes both Nursery (for children aged 6 weeks to 3-5 years) and Preschool (in the meaning early childhood education and care for children aged 3-5 to 6 years) Primary school: a mandatory school that starts at the age 6-7 years (Lower) Secondary school: a mandatory school that starts at the age 12-13 years Upper Secondary education: starts around the age 15-16 years Vocational education: training in skills and teaching of knowledge related to a specific trade, occupation or vocation, part of secondary or tertiary education, starts around age 15-16 years Tertiary education or Higher education: post-secondary education that starts from the age 18 and has no upper limit