This paper explores 1) why humanistic literacy is important in welcoming the industrial revolution 4.0, especially in the academic community and 2) how the implementation of MBKM (Collegiate Independent Learning) programs can be the main support in responding to industry 4.0. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate “how” the academic community uses knowledge from humanistic literacy. The study used a sample of 1,753 respondents from the academic community of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang from December 16 to December 19, 2021 using PISA instruments and UNESCO indicators through Likert scale measurements. We show that humanistic literacy is a knowledge capital for the academic community with scores from respondents at the level of identification (4.3), application (4.22), and reasoning (4.24) that support the academic community for the development of social skills such as collaborative efforts and networking development in producing innovative industrial service products.