Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman sifat kualitatif ayam kampung di Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna. Materi penelitian adalah ayam kampung umur 6 bulan sampai 24 bulan yang terdiri dari 144 ekor jantan dan 156 ekor betina yang diambil secara random sampling. Data sifat kualitatif ditabulasi dan dianalisis persentase dan diuraikan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keragaman sifat kualitatif warna bulu didominasi berwarna baik pada jantan maupun betina yaitu 88,88% pada jantan dan 89,74% pada betina. Pola bulu didominasi oleh tipe columbian yaitu sebesar 56,94% pada jantan dan pada betina sebesar 41,03%. Corak bulu didominasi oleh lurik baik pada jantan maupun pada betina yaitu masing-masing sebesar 71,53% pada jantan dan 54,87% pada betina. Kerlip bulu pada jantan didominasi oleh kerlip bulu keemasan yaitu sebesar 77,78% dan corak bulu keperakan dominan pada ayam kampung betina yaitu sebesar 64,74%. Warna shank didomonasi oleh warna hitam/kuning yaitu 79,17% pada jantan dan 77,56% pada betina. Bentuk jengger didominasi oleh bentuk jengger walnut yaitu sebesar 40,97% pada jantan dan pada betina didominasi bentuk jengger pea 50% pada betina. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa sifat kualitatif meliputi warna bulu, pola bulu, kerlip bulu, corak bulu, Warna shank, bentuk jengger, yang memiliki keragaman yang cukup tinggi.
Kata Kunci : Ayam Kampung, Sifat Kualitatif, Kecamatan Kabawo.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the diversity of qualitative characteristics of free-range chickens in Kabawo District, Muna Regency. The research material was native chickens aged 6 months to 24 months consisting of 144 males and 156 females taken by random sampling. Qualitative data were tabulated and percentage analyzed and described descriptively. The results of this study indicate that the diversity of qualitative traits of coat color is dominated by color in both males and females, namely 88.88% in males and 89.74% in females. The coat pattern is dominated by the columbian type, namely 56.94% in males and 41.03% in females. The pattern of fur is dominated by striations in both males and females, namely 71.53% in males and 54.87% in females respectively. The flickering of the feathers in males is dominated by the flickering of golden feathers, which is equal to 77.78%, and the dominant silvery feather pattern in female native chickens, which is equal to 64.74%. Shank color is dominated by black/yellow, namely 79.17% in males and 77.56% in females. The shape of the comb is dominated by the shape of the comb walnut which is equal to 40.97% in males and in females it is dominated by the shape of the comb pea 50% in females. It can be concluded that the qualitative characteristics include the color of the coat, the pattern of the feathers, the flickering of the feathers, the pattern of the feathers, the color of the shank, the shape of the comb, which has a fairly high diversity.
Keywords: Free-range Chicken, Qualitative Characteristics, District Kabawo.