Differences in the morphology of Stylonychia vorax Stokes, 1885 and S. pustulata (Müller, 1786) Ehrenberg, 1838 recognizable in vivo are the shape, the ventral cirral pattern, the caudal cirri, and the mode of moving. The dorsal‐bristle complexes are distinguishable by the length of dorsal kinety four and the spaces among the pairs of basal bodies. When the ranges of variation of different populations and clones are compared by biometric analyses, S. vorax shows a relatively stable cortical pattern whereas in S. pustulata the cortical elements are regulated depending on the size of the body and the number of adoral membranelles. In S. vorax morphogenesis begins with a proliferation of basal bodies close to the transverse cirri. In contrast, in S. pustulata, the oral primordium appears de novo between the left marginal row and the postoral cirri. All other morphogenetic events are the same for both species. In proters and opisthes the six anlagen of the frontal‐ventral‐transverse cirri are of different origin and evolve independently. Three anlagen of the opisthe separate from the oral primordium, two originate from the right, and one from the left postoral cirrus. Three anlagen of the proter evolve from the posteriormost cirrus in the frontal area, one from the parental undulating membranes, one from the buccal cirrus, and one from the cirrus below the buccal cirrus. The anlagen one to six generate one, three, three, three, four, and four cirri. The characteristic arrangement of the undulating membranes and the participation of only two postoral cirri in the formation of primordia provide features that distinguish between the often confused genera Oxytricha and Stylonychia.