Retellings of the Buddha’s life story have animated and sustained Buddhist thought and practice through roughly 2,500 years of history. To this day, Buddhist holidays and rituals are pinned to the arc of his biography, celebrating his birth, awakening, teaching, and final nirvana. Buddhists embody the story when they meditate, and when novices shear their hair, don robes, and ask permission to leave home. His story is the model for hagiographies of exemplary Buddhists to follow, from experiencing a moment of insight akin to the Four Sights, to the experience of tearing themselves away from their families to make a great departure, to a period of searching, to the moment when awakening is finally accomplished. The Buddha’s story is therefore not just the Buddha’s story; it is the story upon which the tradition rests. In this volume, we articulate the Buddha Blueprint, the underlying and foundational pattern that holds the life story of a buddha together. We retell the episodes of Buddha Gautama’s extended life story, keeping in mind the cosmic arc of his narrative. The contributors are all prominent scholars of South Asian texts and traditions who have dedicated their careers to exploring hagiographical materials, each applying their own methodological and theoretical interests to shed new light on the enduring story of Buddhism. Our book, using multiple perspectives, voices, and sources, underscores the multivalent centrality of this story.