“…We suggest three problems with Lamiell s proposed alternative to nomothetic personality assessment (a) Lamiell s suggested measure of personality consistency is arbitrary and may yield unreasonable interpretations of consistency, {b) a more appropriate, and not uncommon, quantification of behavior consistency when applied to ldiothehcally based data is found to produce consistency coefficients highly correlated with those based on nomothetically based data, and (c) by felling to incorporate information about behavior base rates, the idiothetic method can lead to ambiguities and misinterpretations of personality characteristics and behavior consistencies that could be avoided by employing classical nomothetic treatments Although aspects of Lamiells idiothetic method have already generated some debate, these discussions have involved issues not addressed m this note The earlier concems have been predominantly related to empincal applications ofthe ldiothebc method to the study of cognitive processes involved m person perception (see Conger, 1983, Lamiell, Foss, Larsen, & Hempel, 1983, Lamiell, Foss, Tnerweiler, & Leffel, 1983, Woody, 1983 Our paper is addressed specifically to issues conceming the apphcation ofthe idiothetic method m assigning personality trait scores and behavior consistency coefficients to individuals (see Lamiell, 1981Lamiell, , 1982a Nomothettc and Idtothettc Measurement Lamiell s (1981Lamiell s ( , 1982a idiothetic approach to personahty assessment IS founded on the measurement model commonly underlying individual differences research This model is well-known and postulates that a raw trait score S for a person p on attnbute a is a weighted function of observations or measurements on m component vanables V Thus, in the case of an additive function,…”