ZDZISLAW PARYZEK and JACEK MARTYNOW. Can. J. Chem. 66, 2130 (1988). The highly hindered 8,9 double bond in lanostane derivatives was found susceptible to oxidation with ozone. The reaction depends on the polarity of the solvent. It is proposed that the structure of the initial complex formed between the olefin and ozone is influenced by the reaction medium. Reaction of 3P-acetoxy-5a-lanost-8-ene with ozone gives 8a,9a-epoxide in methylene chloride, while 3P-acetoxy-5a-lanost-8-en-7-one, an allylic oxidation product, is the main compound formed in ethyl acetate.ZDZISLAW PARYZEK et JACEK MARTYNOW. Can. J. Chem. 66, 2130Chem. 66, (1988. On a trouvC que la double liaison trks empEchke que l'on retrouve dans les positions 8,9 des dCrivCs du lanostane est trks susceptible aux oxydations par l'ozone. La rkaction est influencCe par la polarit6 du solvant. On suggkre que la structure du complexe qui se forme initialement entre 1'olCfine et l'ozone est influencCe par le milieu rkactionnel. Dans le chlorure de mtthylkne, la rkaction de 1'acCtoxy-3P 5a-lanosthe-8 avec l'ozone conduit a l'tpoxyde 8a,9a; par ailleurs, dans 1'acCtate d'tthyle, le produit principal est I'acCtoxy-3P 5a-lanosthe-8 one-7, un produit provenant d'une oxydation allylique.[Traduit par la revue]Retropinacolic rearrangement of a triterpene 3-alcohol, for example 5a-lanostan-3P-01 (I), under the action of phosphorus pentachloride leads to the ring A contracted isopropylidene compound (11). Treatment of the olefin (11) with ozone provides a simple method of preparation of A-nor steroids (111). The sequence shown in eq.[ l ] has been described for pentacyclic (1) 111 and tetracyclic (2) triterpenes, their derivatives possessing a degraded side chain (3), and for 4,4-dimethyl steroids (4). In the lanostane series, 14a-methyl-A-nor-steroids were prepared by this simple degradation route (5).The literature search revealed, however, that ozonolysis of 3-izopropylidene-A-nor-steroids was only rarely performed on substrates possessing an additional olefinic double bond in the molecule. In these cases the reported yields of the degraded compounds were low (15-45%) ( l a , 6).In our approach to 14a-methyl-A-nor-5a-cholest-8-en-3-one (9), the isopropylidene compound 4, which was prepared from 'For Part IX, see ref. 9. 2Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. 3~evision received March 28, 1988. dihydrolanosterol (I), was subjected to oxidative degradation with ozone. The reaction carried out in methylene chloride at -78°C gave the keto-diene 5, which isomerized during work-up to the 5P-isomer 6 (26). Thin-layer chromatographic monitoring of the reaction showed that the epoxy-ketone 7 was the primary product of the reaction. Dehydration of 7 to the diene 5 was catalyzed by an acid4 formed from the solvent under ozonolysis conditions (7). This was evidenced by the isolation of the epoxy-ketone 7 (5 1 % yield) and the enone 9 (5%) from the reaction of 4 carried out in the same solvent containing a small amount of pyridine (8). In the course of the ozonolysi...