Tw o-dimensional (2D) metallic transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), such as 1T-TiSe 2 ,h ave recently emerged as unique platforms for exploring their exciting properties of superconductivity and the charge density wave (CDW). 2D 1T-TiSe 2 undergoes rapid oxidation under ambient conditions,s ignificantly affecting its CDWp hase-transition behavior.W ec omprehensively investigate the oxidation process of 2D TiSe 2 by tracking the evolution of the chemical composition and atomic structure with various microscopic and spectroscopic techniques and reveal its unique seleniumassisting oxidation mechanism. Our findings facilitate abetter understanding of the chemistry of ultrathin TMDCs crystals, introduce an effective method to passivate their surfaces with capping layers,a nd thus open aw ay to further explore the functionality of these materials towardd evices.Several transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), such as TiSe 2 ,NbSe 2 and TaS 2 ,are known to exhibit two fundamental low-temperature ground states in bulk crystals:t he charge density wave (CDW) and superconductivity,which have been extensively studied for decades. [1] In the last two years,t wodimensional (2D) TiSe 2 ,N bSe 2 ,a nd TaS 2 have attracted intensive interest in condensed-state physics for exploring their complex many-body electronic ground states at low dimensions. [2] Besides providing new insights into the fundamentals of superconductivity and CDW, [2] these 2D metallic TMDCs also show potential applications in advanced lowpower electronics,e specially for 2D TiSe 2 which allows for tuning the phase transitions over ab road range of temperatures by applying gate voltage. [2a] However,e xperimental studies on these metallic 2D TMDCs are still very limited, compared with semiconducting 2D TMDCs,such as MoS 2 and WSe 2 ,m ainly due to the challenges of preserving their pristine properties as these metallic thin flakes undergo rapid oxidations upon exposure to air. [2d,3] 2D black phosphorus (BP) is known to degrade easily under ambient conditions, and great efforts have been made on understanding its oxidation details, [4] which provides important insights into the protection of 2D BP to preserve its intrinsic properties for device applications. [5] Actually,m etallic TMDCs show even higher oxidation tendency than BP under ambient conditions. However,t odate, the oxidation mechanism of these 2D metallic TMDCs is still unknown and the effects of oxidation on their CDW/superconductivity phase transitions are also unexplored.Herein, we explore the oxidation behavior, mechanism, and protection of 2D metallic transition metal diselenides with 1T-TiSe 2 as an example,w hich is one of the most extensively studied CDW-bearing TMDCs. [6] We demonstrated that CDWp hase transitions in 2D TiSe 2 were gradually suppressed in the progress of surface oxidation. We tracked the evolution of the morphology,s tructure,a nd composition of 2D TiSe 2 during oxidation by combining several surface analysis tools with atomically resolved microscopic imaging and...