We present theoretical investigations of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) resulting from the interaction of noble gases with localized surface plasmons. These plasmonic fields are produced when a metal nanoparticle is subject to a few-cycle laser pulse. The enhanced field, which largely depends on the geometrical shape of the metallic structure, has a strong spatial dependency. We demonstrate that the strong non-homogeneity of this laser field plays an important role in the HHG process and leads to a significant increase of the harmonic cut-off energy. In order to understand and characterize this new feature, we include the functional form of the laser electric field obtained from recent attosecond streaking experiments [F. Süßmann and M. F. Kling, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 8096, 80961C (2011)] in the time dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE). By performing classical simulations of the HHG process we show consistency between them and the quantum mechanical predictions. These allow us to understand the origin of the extended harmonic spectra as a selection of particular trajectory sets. The use of metal nanoparticles shall pave a completely new way of generating coherent XUV light with a laser field which characteristics can be synthesized locally. When matter, i.e. atoms or molecules, is exposed to short and intense laser radiation, non-linear phenomena are triggered as a consequence of this interaction. Amongst these phenomena, high-order harmonics generation (HHG) process [1, 2] has attracted considerable interests, since it is one of the most reliable pathways to generate coherent light from the ultraviolet (UV) to extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectral range. As a result, HHG has proven to be a robust source for the generation of a PHz attosecond pulses train [3], that can be temporally confined to a single XUV attosecond pulse, now with kHz repetition rates [4]. Thanks to its remarkable properties, HHG can be used as well to extract temporal and spatial information with both attosecond and subAngström resolution on the generating system [5]. Hence, HHG represents a considerable tool to enable scrutinizing the atomic world with its natural temporal and spatial scales [6][7][8][9][10][11].The intuitive physical mechanism behind HHG, for a single atom or molecule (referred to as 'single emitter'), has been well established in the so-called three steps or simple man's model [12][13][14]: in the first step, an electronic wave packet is released the continuum by tunnel ionization through the potential barrier as a consequence of the non-perturbative interaction of the single emitter with the laser field. In the second step, the emitted electronic wave packet propagates away from its ionic core in the continuum to be finally driven back when the laser electric field changes its sign. In the final step, upon its return, the electronic wave packet may recombine with the core and the system relaxes the excess kinetic energy acquired by radiating a high-harmonic photon.In order to experimentally control the high harmonic ...