The hydrolyzate of partially N-acetylated chitosan by Bacillus sp. No. 7-M chitosanase was separated by gel filtration on Bio-Gel P-2. Sugar compositions and sequences of the oligosaccharides were identified by exo-splitting with JI-GlcNase, fast atom bombardment mass spectroscopy, and proton NMR spectroscopy. In addition to chitooligosaccharides, (GlcN}z, (GlcNh, and (GlcN)4' hetero-chitooligosaccharides such as (GlcN}z . GlcNAc·(GlcN}z, GlcN . GlcNAc· (GlcNh, (GlcN}z . GlcNAc·(GlcNh, and GlcN . GlcNAc· (GlcN)4 were detected. These results indicate that Bacillus sp. No. 7-M chitosanase is absolutely specific toward the GleN· GlcN bonds in partially N-acetylated chitosan and at least three GlcN residues were necessary to the hydrolysis of chitosan by chitosanase.Chitosanase has been purified from many microorganisms, including fungi, bacteria, and actinomycetes, but little is known concerning the action pattern of chitosanase on chitosan.l) In our previous report,2) fully deacetylated chitosan was found to be hydrolyzed by Bacillus sp. No. 7-M chitosanase to produce chitooligosaccharides from (GleNh to (GleN)s with high yield. Fenton and Eveleigh 3 )