The Icetol, 3-11ydrox~-l-(-l--hydroxy-3-n~eihoxypI~e11yl)-2-propanone, was s~t bjected t o ethanolysis and found to yield the four propylphenols which can be isolated from t h e etharlolysis products of isolated conifer lignin and of conifer lignin i n silz~. The sipnilicance of this finding is briefly disc~~ssed.I11 the period 1939-1943, a careful investigation of the water sol~tble phenolic products from the ethanolysis of extractive-free spruce-wood by Hibbert and co-workers (5,7,18,26) resulted in the isolatio~l and identification of four propylpl~enols, 2-ethoxy-1-(4-hydroxy-3-n1etl1oxyphen~~l)-l-propanone (I), 1-(4-hyclroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,2-propa~~edione (I I), 1-ethoxy-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphe11~~l)-2-propanone (I1 I), and 1 -(4-h ydroxy-3-methoxyp11enyl)-2-propanone (IV).
R-CH (OC?Hs)-CO-CHI R-CH 2-CO-CH,Frorn maple-wood, in addition to these, the syringyl (R = 4-hydroxy-3, 5-din~ethoxyphenyl) analogues were isolated. T h e total yielcl of pure identified products based upon the original I