Since, in the past year, there have appeared one book and three reviews covering wholly or in part the subject matter indicated above (1-3), this review will confine itself to those aspects which have not been fully presented or in which the interpretations differ from those of the present reviewer. The retention of p32 by various normal and neoplastic tissues has been well summarized as has phospholipid metabolism and will not therefore be considered here (4, 5).
Phosphate esters and carbohydrate metabolismThe rate of penetration of phosphate ion into muscle was shown to be relatively slow, so that the specific activity (P82/p31) of the inorganic phosphate (IP) within the cell was for a long time much lower than that of the extracellular IP and was shown to be a function of temperature (6). Assuming that the extracellular space for phosphorus and sodium were the same, Hevesy and Rebbe estimated that IP is incorporated into organic phosphate at the rate of 21 ug/gm tissue/ day (7). Direct determination of extra-and intracellular radioactive inorganic phosphate (P*04) has been made by equilibration of heart muscle slices in a medium containing (P*04). The rate of penetration was 1.7 ugP/gm tissue/min. at 370C and about 0.3 pgP/gm tissue/min. at 20C (8) which was in agreement with data obtained earlier by Manery et al. (9). Equivalence between extracellular IP and that of the medium was reached in 10 to 30 minutes at either 20 or 370, but the specific activity of the intracellular IP increased with temperature as well as with time (8). The difference in P-2 entering the cell at 20 and at 370 indicated that cell penetration by P04 is not a simple matter of diffusion.The specific activity of creatine phosphate (CP) was equal to that of intracellular inorganic phosphate while that of the labile phosphate of adenyl pyrophosphate (APP) was lower. The terminal phosphate of adenosine-triphosphate (ATP) had the same specific activity as IP and CP, while the remaining labile phosphorus of APP was lower by about one-half. These results were taken as evidence that intracellular IP and not total tissue IP was the source of supply of CP and APP (8). In frog gastrocnemius in iAvo the specific activity of CP and of the labile P of the pyrophosphate fraction were found to be equal (7). Sacks and Altshuler (10) found a difference in the specific activity of IP and CP of both skeletal and heart muscle and concluded that extracellular and intracellular IP exchange through CP and APP as carriers (10). The interpretation has been criticized since their data were rather variable, since they assumed a fixed extracellular space and since they also assumed equilibrium in both concentration and radioactivity of plasma and extracellular IP (8). Bollman and Flock (11) found that in both resting and exercised limbs of the rat, the p32 Uptake was the same for both CP and APP and there was no increase in specific activity in the recovery period. These results would be expected if the fractions were in equilibrium with only intracellular IP dur...