Quite a number of cottonseed varieties are existed. The seeds of each variety produce a different amount of gossypol as a natural toxic compound. The increased interest in this natural product and its toxic effects were enhanced the demand for establishing simple silica-gel-based methods for its isolation, purification, and characterization. Historically, silica gel plays a significant role in isolation and purification of many different natural products. Silica gel is variants and can intro-duce a lab, simple tool for tracking a compound in certain plants during its purification process. In this study, gossypol was isolated and purified in the form of yellow crystals as gossypol acetic ac-id. Several methods and tools were used for its characterization including TLC, preparative TLC, silica gel column, UV/IR spectrophotometer and HPLC (Robust spherical silica gel). A compara-tive study between its amounts in both Egyptian and Chinese varieties were performed. Under the experimental condition, the Egyptian cottonseeds contain 8.705 gm/kg, while the Chinese contains 5.395 gm/kg. Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) had been flourished the science of the phytochemistry and still popular till nowadays and is recommended for fast, accurate, and inex-pensive evaluation and quantification of gossypol. It is recommended to isolate and purify gossy-pol as gossypol acetic acid using optimized combined methods used in this study. Using Silica gel different protocols will assist and facilitate the parallel comparison and save the compact column from any unexpected contaminants during the purification steps. During each step the silica gel itself could be simply removed by paper filtration.