Twenty-eight (28) Red Sokoto does (RSD) weighing on the average 17.86 kg were assigned to four different diets treatment (1,2,3 and 4). Ginger was added in different levels with treatments 2, 3 and 4 containing 250 g, 500 g and 750 g respectively in a completely randomized design. Treatment 1 was the control with 0 g ginger. The animals were fed at 4% body weight. Feed intakes, weight gain and cost implication were measured and recorded. Results showed that Red Sokoto Does (RSD) fed diet containing 0 g and 750 g levels of ginger inclusion had a significantly (P<0.05) higher total feed intake (137.71 kg and 137.70 kg) respectively than other levels. Animals fed (750 g) ginger inclusion level recorded a significantly (P<0.05) higher weight gain (10.78 kg). Feed conversion ratio was best (12.81) in the treatment fed 750 g ginger inclusion level with similar values (P>0.05) across the treatments. Kids from RSD fed 500 g ginger inclusion level recorded a significantly (P<0.05) higher weight at birth, final weight, total weight gain and daily weight gain (2.40 kg, 9.60 kg, 7.20 kg and 120.00 g) respectively. The kids were monitored from kidding to weaning stage (three months after kidding). Feeding diet containing 750 g ginger to pregnant RSD reduced the cost of feeding/kg gain by 31% compared to the control. The study revealed that levels of ginger inclusion improved weight gain of both RSD and their kids and saved feeding cost per kg weight gain of RSD.