Abstract-We investigated the effect of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PALP) on tobra mycin (TOB)-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Paper electrophoretic analysis showed that in the mixture of TOB and PALP, the spot corresponding to TOB alone almost disappeared and the spot associated with TOB overlapped with that associated with PALP, although the spots of TOB alone and PALP alone were observed as single spots on the cathode and anode sides, respectively. The overlapping of both compounds indicated that TOB could directly interact with PALP in vitro. In the assay of TOB binding to renal brush border membranes (BBMs), PALP significantly inhibited the binding of TOB to BBMs by interacting with TOB outside of BBMs vesicles.Intrarenal TOB levels in rats receiving TOB and PALP were lower than those in rats given TOB alone.Combination with PALP markedly suppressed the urinary protein content, urinary N-acetyl-(3-D glucosaminidase activity and blood urea nitrogen content elevated by TOB, and also reduced the degree of TOB-induced renal tubular cell necrosis. These results indicate that PAL P protects the rat kidneys from TOB-induced nephrotoxicity and that the protective effect of PALP may be due to the reduced intrarenal TOB con centration and less binding of TOB to BBMs induced by the interaction of PALP with TO B.We have already reported that latamoxef (LMOX), an oxacephem antibiotic, prevents tobramycin (TOB)-induced nephrotoxicity in rats and that the protective effect of LMOX is partly due to the ability of LMOX to reduce the intrarenal TOB concentration (1). We have found that the inhibitory effect of LMOX on intrarenal TOB level resulted from the inhi bition of the binding of TOB to renal brush border membranes (BBMs) (2) by a molecu lar interaction between TOB and LMOX (3).From our previous study using LMOX, it was hypothesized that a compound which has a negative charge in its molecule and is excreted into the urine might prevent TOB induced nephrotoxicity by reducing the in trarenal TOB level and by inhibiting the bind ing of TOB to BBMs through a molecular interaction between TOB and the compound.As shown in Fig. 1, pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PALP), an active form of vitamin B6, has a phosphate group in its molecule and is nega tively charged at physiological pH. PALP also has an aldehyde group, which can form a Schiff base by binding covalently to amino groups of TOB. In general, excess amounts of vitamins are excreted into the urine without converting them into metabolites, when large amounts of vitamins are administered. There fore, in the present study, to examine the ability of PALP to prevent TOB-induced nephrotoxicity, we designed experiments to monitor the following: 1) in vitro interaction of TOB with PALP, 2) the effect of PALP on TOB binding to BBMs, 3) the effect of PALP on intrarenal TOB concentration, and 4) the effect of PALP on the nephrotoxicity of TOB in vivo.In addition, in order to obtain some in formation about the mechanism of the action