Background: With the expansion of the donkey industry, timed artificial insemination (TAI) is becoming increasingly important in the reproductive management of jennies, however, TAI has not been widely investigated in donkeys.Objectives: To develop efficient TAI protocols for cooled or frozen semen in jennies, based around ovulation induction with a GnRH analogue.Study design: Experimental exploratory study.
Methods and Results:In experiment 1, the effects of different GnRH analogue (deslorelin) doses, follicle diameter (FD) at induction, repeated use of a GnRH analogue, and the influence of season on induction efficiency, as well as distribution of ovulations over time after induction were investigated. Induction efficiency was sufficient with 2.2 mg deslorelin (≥90% ovulation within 48 hours of treatment). Ovulation rate between 24 and 48 hours was highest when the FD at treatment was 31-35 mm, as compared to 25-30 mm or 36-40 mm. Repeated use of deslorelin or treatment during different seasons had no effect on induction efficiency. About 70% of ovulations occurred between 32 and 48 hours, and highest incidence of ovulation was at 36-38 hours after induction. In experiment 2, TAI using cooled semen (1 × 10 9 motile sperm in a 10 mL volume) was performed once at 8 hours after induction (n = 59).Pregnancy rate after TAI with cooled semen was 49.2% (29/59). In experiment 3, jennies were inseminated twice with 10 (n = 23), 5 (n = 31), 3 (n = 32), 2 (n = 82) and 1 (n = 66) straws (more than 50 × 10 6 motile spermatozoa in each 0.5 mL straw) of frozen semen at 34 and 42 hours after induction. The pregnancy rates were 30.4%, 35.5%, 34.4%, 29.3% and 28.8%, respectively (P > 0.05).
Main limitations:In the frozen semen trial, 22.5% (68/302) jennies were excluded after failure to ovulate during the appropriate time interval. In addition, there were no control groups for the AI trials.
Conclusion:When FD reaches 31-35 mm, a donkey jenny can be inseminated once using cooled semen at 8 hours or twice using frozen semen at 34 and 42 hours after | 1219 YANG et Al.