Mulberry silkworm is a monophagous insect, so the only way to improve the silk industry is the enrichment of mulberry leaves with supplementary nutrients. In this investigation mulberry leaves treated with algal probiotics ( Spirulina plantalis and Azolla Pinnata) with different concentrations (1, 2, and 3%) from 4 th larval instar till spinning to study the impact of these supplements on some biological parameters ( larval weight (g.), growth rate%, longevity(hr.) and fecundity (no.)), economical parameters ( cocoon weight(g.), cocoon shell weight (g.), shell ratio%, and pupa weight(g.)) and biochemical parameters ( total protein, protease, amylase, and invertase). The obtained results indicate that all types of probiotics with different concentrations have a positive impact on all parameters under study but the most effective one was azolla2% that affect positively on the fecundity of females and the shell ratio % of males reduced feeding days in the 5 th larval stage that is a very important economical factor.