The reported study of the l;no~vn toxins of six different strains of enterotoxigenic staphylococci of diverse lysin productivity allows the conclusion that the enterotoxin, as indicated by the emetic response of cats, is a specific entity that is distinct from or-, p-, or 6-lysins. Emesis in cats may also be caused by p-lysin if injected in quantities greater than SO units per ligm. The Dolman Ititten test for enterotoxin may be made less eq~~ivocal by selective removal of all traces of lysins by boiling of the test specimen followed by incubation in the presence of ascorbic acid. Lysins inactivated by heat, formalin, homologous antitoxins, or ascorbic acid do not cause emesis. Immunization of cats with specific enterotoxic filtrates has demonstrated the existence of antigenically distinct enterotosins. a t 57" C. than a t temperatures above 80" C.On the other hancl, North (15) has shown t h a t a number of strains t h a t produced alpha-lysin were not enterotoxigenic, while Dolinan (3) was able t o inhibit the production of alpha-lysin by incubating cultures a t room temperature without curtailing the enterotoxicity of a filtrate. Dolman and Wilson &Ianz~script received Janz~ary 26, 1955. A contrihz~tion from the laboratories of the Food and Drug Directorate Department of National Healtlt attd Welfare, Ottawa, Canada. Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by McMaster University on 11/26/14 For personal use only.