The increase in traffic volume will cause a decrease in service due to decreased road capacity due to an increase in side constraints and due to the increase in traffic volume itself, which will ultimately cause the level of road saturation to increase. The situation occurred in the Umasukaer road section of the Malacca Regency. Therefore it is necessary to address improvements in the quality of the road in order to meet the feasibility of transportation facilities by taking into account the existing technical requirements. The results of planning found that through the 2015 LHR survey data with a prediction of an increase in traffic density of 6% per year, the LHR was obtained with a planned age of 7 years = 2540.7 vehicles/day/department and a 20-year plan life LHR = 5419.1 ked/day / major. The results of a gradual construction planning pavement study can be concluded that the planning model that has been designed is effective in strengthening road construction in accordance with existing technical requirements and efficient in terms of financing. The final results of gradual construction pavement thickness results are: Ashburton thickness (MS 744) = 8 cm, Ashburton (MS 744) = 13 cm, broken stone (CBR 100) = 20 cm, Sirtu (CBR 50) = 10 cm and CBR subgrade 5%. Pertambahan volume lalu lintas akan menyebabkan penurunan layanan diakibatkan menurunnya kapasitas jalan karena adanya peningkatan hambatan samping maupun karena beratambahnya volume lalu lintas itu sendiri yang pada akhirnya akan meyebabkan tingkat kejenuhan jalan meningkat. Keadaan tersebut terjadi ruas jalan Umasukaer Kabupaten Malaka, oleh karena itu perlu adanya penanganan perbaikan kualitas jalan agar memenuhi segi kelayakan sarana transportasi dengan memperhatikan syarat-syarat teknik yang ada. Hasil perencanaan didapatkan bahwa melalui data survey LHR tahun 2015 dengan prediksi peningkatan kepadatan lalu lintas sebesar 6% pertahun maka didapatkan LHR dengan umur rencana 7 tahun = 2540,7 kend/hr/jurusan dan LHR umur rencana 20 tahun = 5419,1 ked/hr/jurusan. Hasil studi perencanaan perkerasan konstruksi bertahap dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa model perencaaan yang telah dirancang efektif dalam memperkerasa konstruksi jalan sesuai dengan syarat teknis yang ada serta efisien dalam hal pembiayaan. Hasil akhir tebal perkerasan konstruksi bertahap diperoleh hasil: Ketebalan Asbuton (MS 744) = 8 cm, Asbuton (MS 744) = 13 cm, batu pecah (CBR 100) = 20 cm, Sirtu (CBR 50) = 10 cm dan CBR tanah dasar 5%.