Abstract. The H-dibaryon (uuddss) is studied in holographic QCD for the first time. In holographic QCD, four-dimensional QCD, i.e., SU(N c ) gauge theory with chiral quarks, can be formulated with S 1 -compactified D4/D8/D8-brane system. In holographic QCD with large N c , all the baryons appear as topological chiral solitons of Nambu-Goldstone bosons and (axial) vector mesons, and the H-dibaryon can be described as an SO(3)-type topological soliton with B = 2. We derive the low-energy effective theory to describe the H-dibaryon in holographic QCD. The H-dibaryon mass is found to be twice of the B = 1 hedgehog-baryon mass, M H ≃ 2.00M HH B=1 , and is estimated about 1.7GeV, which is smaller than mass of two nucleons (flavor-octet baryons), in the chiral limit.