One of the most polluting industries is the fossil fuel energy industry. The production of energy from lignite has direct pollution (stack of thermal power plants emissions) or indirect pollution (caused by coal mining). The main pollutants are suspended particles, heavy metals, and other toxic substances. In areas where the limits of these pollutants are exceeded, there is a high risk of population-level health problems, such as circulatory, respiratory, nervous, and immune systems. In the current state of the scientific literature, there are studies that demonstrate the connection between the pollution caused by the coal energy industry and the negative health effects in people who have been exposed to increased amounts of these emissions. However, few studies address this topic in Gorj County. The research methodology used in this paper includes an initial presentation of the polluting substances found in the area, the possible diseases that result, and the correlation between them.
The study identified the main diseases that can affect the population in areas where the pollution limits for certain substances are exceeded. It also features a graphic representation by means of a map of the areas with a higher risk of the occurrence of these diseases. This paper aimed to study the need to decarbonize the energy sector from the point of view of the impact on human health. The work has both a theoretical contribution by creating the literature that addressed this topic, and a practical one, representing an information resource for decision-makers in the development of health, environmental, economic, or energy policy. The results highlight the need for increased attention in protection, monitoring, staff allocation, treatment provision, and budget allocation to protect the health of the population in these areas.