INTRODUCTIONPremature rupture of membranes (PROM) remains a problem of great relevance and interest to obstetricians. PROM can occur before 37 weeks of pregnancy called preterm PROM. While term PROM denotes as rupture of the membranes prior to the onset of labour at or beyond 37 weeks of gestation. The incidence of term PROM is 8%. Spontaneous labour follows term PROM at 24, 48 and 96 hours in 70%, 85% and 95% of women, respectively.1 Thus, an important proportion of women have significant latency from PROM to delivery if managed expectantly, particularly nulliparous women. In majority of cases the cause of PROM is not known but some of the causes are increased friability and decreased tensile strength of the membrane, multiple pregnancy,
ABSTRACTBackground: Premature rupture of membranes at term can be managed expectantly with good results. However, low bishop score may lead to undue latency. It can lead to complications if no intervention done. So, timely intervention by labour induction in selected cases can improve maternal and fetal outcome. Prostaglandins has very vital role for induction of labour. This study is to compare the effectiveness between the two molecules of prostaglandins PGE 1 and PGE 2 for induction of labour in term premature rupture of membrane (PROM). Methods: It is a prospective interventional study performed at a tertiary hospital attached to a medical college. It was conducted upon randomly selected 100 women of term PROM from April 2011 to April 2015. They were divided into two comparable groups each containing 50 women. Both the groups were comparable in age, parity and bishop score. One group was induced with PGE 1 (Tab Misoprostol) and the other with PGE 2 (Dinoprostone gel). Results: Among 100 women, a good number of women were primigravida (76%). Majority of women were induced in between 6 to 12 hours after PROM (69%). Vaginal deliveries were 68% in tab. Misoprostol group while 80% in dinoprostone gel group which are comparable in both the groups. The significant difference observed was average induction delivery interval, which was 11.26 hours in tab. misoprostol group and 14.72 hours in dinoprostone gel group (P=0.004). The other women (26%) underwent cesarean section. Among them 46.15% were done for fetal distress and 43.84% for induction failure. Conclusions: Both the molecules of prostaglandins are efficient for labour induction in term PROM. Though, PGE 1 (tab. Misoprostol) is faster acting as compare to PGE 2 (dinoprostone gel) even with low bishop score. But it can lead to complications like hyperstimulation, fetal distress and postpartum hemorrhage if not used properly. So, tab misoprostol is not a safe drug where continuous monitoring of women is not available.