Substituted calcium phosphates (CaPs) are vital materials for the
treatment of bone diseases and repairing and replacement of defects
in human hard tissues. In this paper, we present some applications
of the rarely used pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and
hyperfine interaction spectroscopy approaches [namely, electron spin-echo
envelope modulation (ESEEM) and electron–electron double-resonance
detected nuclear magnetic resonance (EDNMR)] to investigate synthetic
CaPs (hydroxyapatite, tricalcium, and octacalcium phosphate) doped
with various cations (Li+, Na+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Fe3+, and Ba2+). These resonance
techniques provide reliable tools to obtain unique information about
the presence and localization of impurity centers and values of hyperfine
and quadrupole tensors. We show that revealed in CaPs by EPR techniques,
radiation-induced stable nitrogen-containing species and carbonate
radicals can serve as sensitive paramagnetic probes to follow CaPs’
structural changes caused by cation doping. The most pulsed EPR, ESEEM,
and EDNMR spectra can be detected at room temperature, reducing the
costs of the measurements and facilitating the usage of pulsed EPR
techniques for CaP characterization.