research on radionuclide disposal is mostly conducted in
granite, clay, saltstone, or volcanic tuff formations. These rock
types are not always available to host a geological repository in
every nuclear waste-generating country, but carbonate rocks may serve
as a potential alternative. To assess their feasibility, a forced
gradient cross-borehole tracer experiment was conducted in a saturated
fractured chalk formation. The mobility of stable Sr and Cs (as analogs
for their radioactive counterparts), Ce (an actinide analog), Re (a
Tc analog), bentonite particles, and fluorescent dye tracers through
the flow path was analyzed. The migration of each of these radionuclide
analogs (RAs) was shown to be dependent upon their chemical speciation
in solution, their interactions with bentonite, and their sorption
potential to the chalk rock matrix. The brackish groundwater resulted
in flocculation and immobilization of most particulate RAs. Nevertheless,
the high permeability of the fracture system allowed for fast overall
transport times of all aqueous RAs investigated. This study suggests
that the geochemical properties of carbonate rocks may provide suitable
conditions for certain types of radionuclide storage (in particular,
brackish, high-porosity, and low-permeability chalks). Nevertheless,
careful consideration should be given to high-permeability fracture
networks that may result in high radionuclide mobility.