The screening effect due to a scanning tunneling microscope tip which is placed in the vicinity of an interacting quantum wire is considered. With the help of a bosonization procedure, we are able to determine non perturbatively the Green's functions of the quantum wire in the presence of both electrostatic screening by the tip and Coulomb interactions in the wire. In our approach we justify that the working Hamiltonian of the whole system is quadratic when Kc > 1/2 and can be solved by integration over the degrees of freedom of the tip. Once the Green's functions are known, we calculate the spectral properties. We show that the spectral function, as well as the tunnel density of states, is affected by the screening and that the local density of states strongly deviates from its unscreened value when the tip gets close to the wire. Moreover, we observe that the spatial extension of the deviation of the local density of states is related to both the Coulomb interactions parameter and the screening strength.PACS numbers: