A comprehensive study of the divertor plasma flow (DPF) distribution in the Heliotron-E helical device has been carried out by means of collector arrays under various experimental conditions. A strong inhomogeneity of DPF distribution is observed in all the investigated regimes. This inhomogeneity is characterized by a significant asymmetry of plasma flows recorded by symmetrically displaced collectors. The degree of asymmetry in horizontal (in-out) and in vertical (up-down) directions depends on characteristics of magnetic configuration as well as on experimental conditions: method of plasma heating, injected power and power absorbed by the plasma, plasma density, gas puffing time, pellet injection, etc. A certain degree of asymmetry also remains after termination of the active phase of discharge, i.e., at the stage of decaying plasma. By comparison of asymmetry indices at the active stages of discharge and at the stage of afterglow plasma, the contribution of trapped particles into the asymmetry of DPF distribution has been estimated.