Rocket-based combined-cycle (RBCC) powered vehicles have been widely recognized as the most promising aircraft solution that could dramatically reduce the cost of space transportation. Researchers and scientists worldwide have conducted considerable overall design researches to cope with the challenges in RBCC development including mode transition, thermal protection and thrust enhancement. According to the way to orbit and the configuration characteristics, the hypersonic aircraft powered by RBCC engine are classified as four categories: single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) two-dimensional configuration, SSTO axisymmetric configuration, two-stage-to-orbit (TSTO) two-dimensional configuration, and TSTO axisymmetric configuration. This paper systematically presents the development of the conceptual design of RBCC-powered vehicles. Both the structural and operating key parameters like the weight distribution, the RBCC propulsion performance and take-off mode, et al. are introduced in detail. On this basis, a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the orbit model, the configuration selection and takeoff modes are conducted. In addition, the application prospect and technology development direction for hypersonic aircraft are also discussed. At the same time, the lessons that can be drew from previous hypersonic vehicle concept design are explored.