We study bound states of a 3-particle system in R 3 described by the Hamiltonian H(λ n ) = H 0 + v 12 + λ n (v 13 + v 23 ), where the particle pair {1, 2} has a zero energy resonance and no bound states, while other particle pairs have neither bound states nor zero energy resonances. It is assumed that for a converging sequence of coupling constants λ n → λ cr the Hamiltonian H(λ n ) has a sequence of levels with negative energies E n and wave functions ψ n , where the sequence ψ n totally spreads in the sense that lim n→∞ |ζ|≤R |ψ n (ζ)| 2 dζ = 0 for all R > 0. We prove that for large n the angular probability distribution of three particles determined by ψ n approaches the universal analytical expression, which does not depend on pair-interactions. The result has applications in Efimov physics and in the physics of halo nuclei.