Film cooling jets were simulated using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) at blowing ratios of 0.150, 0.50 and 1.0. The results were analyzed using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) as a statistical analysis tool and the first step toward reduced order modeling. The results of both decompositions are presented and put in perspective with dominant vortical structures and heat transfer mechanisms observed in the instantaneous velocity and temperature fields. Assessment of the performance of the decompositions is provided in terms of energy content and rendered dominant frequencies. Evolution of the dominant modes and decomposition metrics are discussed as the blowing ratio is increased. Nomenclature BR = Blowing ratio D j = Jet diameter, mm Re δ = Boundary layer Reynolds number (U ∞ .δ/ν) St = Strouhal number (f D j /U ∞ ) = Time averaged temperature, K ΔT = Normalized temperature fluctuation (T-)/(T j -T ∞ ) (T j , T ∞ jet and cross-flow temperatures resp.) U ∞= Average free-stream velocity, m.s -1 X j = Normalized streamwise coordinate (x/D j ) Y j = Normalized spanwise coordinate (y/D j ) Z j = Normalized vertical coordinate (z/D j ) δ = 99% Boundary layer thickness, mm ν = Air kinematic viscosity, m 2 .s -1 φ i , a i = Velocity POD shape function and temporal coefficient ψ i , b i = Temperature POD shape function and temporal coefficient Φ i , λ i = Velocity DMD shape function and eigenvalue Ψ i , μ i = Temperature DMD shape function and eigenvalue Λ 2 = Second invariant of the tensor S 2 +Ω 2 (S -stress tensor, Ω -rate of rotation tensor)