Background: The aim of this study is to know the signicance of meconium stained liquor and its association with perinatal outcome.
Methods: The present study is a prospective observational study conducted from August, 2020 on 100 women with meconium stained liquor.
Results: Out of 100 patients, 29% presented with Grade-I meconium stained liquor, 43% with grade-II meconium stained liquor and 28% with
grade-III meconium stained liquor. 50% of the patients with grade-III meconium stained liquor had abnormal pattern of FHR; caesarean delivery
rate was 85.7% in patients with grade-III meconium stained liquor with increased rate of NICU admissions (82.14%) with one neonatal death.
Conclusions: In the present study, it was observed that grading of meconium has a bearing on mode of delivery and perinatal outcome. Thick
meconium stained liquor is associated with abnormal FHR pattern, operative delivery and perinatal morbidity and mortality.