The present investigation was carried out on “Effect of Bio-NPK and organic manures on growth, yield and economics of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis l.) var. Pusa Snowball K 1” at Horticulture Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand during Rabi season 2022-23. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with factorial concept with three replication and thirteen treatment combinations comprising of two level of Bio-NPK and six level of organic manures of total 12 combinations. The experiment result revealed that, treatment B1 (seedling dipping with Bio-NPK) was found the most effective treatment which recorded significantly maximum plant height (44.97, 51.74 and 58.16 cm), number of leaves at (10.65, 16.84 and 23.42), N-S plant spread (37.04, 50.67 and 63.88 cm) and E-W plant spread (34.78, 48.79 and 62.26 cm) at 40th, 60th and 80th DAT, respectively, weight of the curd (745.16 gm), diameter of the curd (16.99 cm) and yield per plot (13.46 kg). Treatment of organic manures significantly responded on growth and yield parameters viz., Among all treatment, treatment F3 (100 % RDN through VC) was the most effective treatment which recorded significantly maximum plant height (46.84, 54.42 and 61.00 cm), number of leaves (11.26, 17.66 and 24.19), plant spread N-S (37.58, 52.26 and 65.86), E-W (35.40, 50.05 and 64.25 cm) at 40th, 60th and 80th DAT respectively, weight of the curd (802.41 gm), diameter of the curd (17.69 cm) and yield per plot (14.72 kg). However, based on economics, treatments 75 % RDN through VC + 25 % RDN through FYM gave maximum net realization (197168 ₹ /ha).