In this paper, we introduce a new class $K_{q}(\alpha), \quad 0<\alpha \leq1, \quad 0<q<1, $ of normalized analytic functions $f $ such that $\big|\arg\frac{D_qf(z)}{D_qg(z)}\big| \leq \alpha \frac{\pi}{2},$ where $g$ is convex univalent in $E= \{z: |z|<1\} $ and $D_qf $ is the $q$-derivative of $f $ defined as:
$$D_qf(z)= \frac{f(z)-f(qz)}{(1-q)z}, \quad z\neq0\quad D_qf(0)= f^{\prime}(0). $$
The problem of growth of the Hankel determinant $H_n(k) $ for the class $K_q(\alpha) $ is investigated. Some known interesting results are pointed out as applications of the main results.