Fractographic and microstructural evaluations of fracture surfaces of different zones within welded dissimilar steel joints are difficult to conduct by conventional methods because of the very small dimensions of the various regions in the joint. In the present paper, a novel non-standard notch impact specimen is introduced. By using this specimen, a cross-sectioned fracture was obtained, and successive variations of the fracture surfaces, corresponding to individual microstructures of all regions in the joint, were clearly identified. When comparing the fracture surface between as welded and post-weld heat treated (PWHT) joints, it was found that the transition zone fractured in a brittle disbonding manner owing to carbon migration, and the location of the poorest part in the joints transferred from the heat affected zone (HAZ) in the as welded state into the transition zone after post-weld heat treatment. The described specimen and analysis approach can be used to conduct other fractographic and microstructural evaluations, such as in tensile tests.