“…Baseline methods for comparison. To further demonstrate the advantages of the structure-informed shadow removal networks, we compare the StructNet variants and MStructNet with state-of-the-art methods including Guo et al [6], Gong et al [7], DeshadwoNet [9], STCGAN [11], DSC [10], Mask-ShadowGAN [13], AR-GAN [53], SP+M-Net [33], CLA-GAN [25], RIS-GAN [26], Param+M+D-Net [12], DHAN [24], G2R [29], AEF [8], DC-ShadowGAN [30], SP+M+I-Net [34], BMNet [27], SADC [17], EMD-Net [36], and SG-ShadowNet [28]. Since the settings of different methods (e.g., test environment and inference resolution) TABLE 2: Validation results of StructNet-equipped shadow removal methods on ISTD and ISTD+ datasets.…”