We review our previous work on pump-probe spectroscopy in realistic degenerate two-level systems and model systems. In particular, we discuss the role of transfer of coherence (TOC) between the ground and excited hyperfine states in producing electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIA) peaks in the probe spectrum, when an F g → F e = F g + 1 transition in an alkali-metal atom interacts with a strong pump and weak probe that have perpendicular polarizations. When the pump is σ + polarized and the probe π polarized, this system can be modelled by an N system. We also discuss the role of transfer of population (TOP) between the Zeeman levels of the ground hyperfine state in producing EIA peaks when the pump and probe have the same polarization. This system can be modelled using a double two-level system. The role of Doppler broadening and phase-changing collisions in modifying the EIA-TOC and EIA-TOP absorption and refraction spectra is also discussed. All these spectra were calculated using MATLAB programs that both construct and solve the relevant Bloch equations. In our recent work, we consider the effect of a strong probe on the pump absorption and refraction spectra when the pump and probe polarizations are linear and perpendicular. It is difficult to solve this problem numerically due to the large number frequencies involved. In order to simplify the problem, we considered two cases: (i) σ + polarized pump and π polarized probe, and (ii) σ + polarized pump and σ − polarized probe, and investigated a series of transitions in both Rb and Cs, using modified versions of the MATLAB programs devised for the weakprobe case. A number of interesting differences from the weak-probe case were found. For example, when the probe is sufficiently strong, we found the pump and probe spectra to show complementary behavior. In addition, as the number of Zeeman levels increase, the EIA peaks become progressively sharper, and are accompanied by steeper dispersion.