I wish to express my gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor AlP John, H.L. Pang, who has provided me not only invaluable professional knowledge in mechanics of electronic packaging, but also encouragement, support, and inspirations for exploring this research topic, as well as improving myself. I thank Dr. Shi Xunqing for bringing me to Singapore and into the area of digital image correlation for deformation measurements, where I located my research interests. His guidance made my academic dream in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) come true. I would also like to thank my former group manager Stephen, c.K. Wong in Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) for his support when I worked in SIMTech. Many sincere thanks go to my former colleagues in SIMTech and in NTU who have provided much useful assistance during the experimental part of this research and invaluable discussion. These include Dr.