ABSTRACIThe distribution of the glycolytic enzymes, phosphofructokinase, aldolase, triosephosphate isomerase, phosphoglycerate kinase, pyruvate kinase, and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway enzymes, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, was determined in the leaf tissues of two C3-plants, pea and leek, and two C4-plants, maize and sorghum. All enzymes examined were found in epidermal tissue. In pea, maize, and sorghum leaves, the specific activities of these enzymes were usually higher in the nonphotosynthetic epidermal tissue than in the photosynthetic tissues of the leaves. In leek leaves, which were etiolated, specific activities were similar in both epidermal and mesophyll tissue. The distribution of the rate limiting enzymes of glycolysis and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathways probably reflects the capacity of each tissue to generate NADH, NADPH, and ATP from the oxidation of glucose. This capacity appears to be greater in leaf tissues unable to generate reducing equivalents and ATP by photosynthesis, that is, in epidermal tissues and etiolated mesophyll tissue.Microscopic examination of leaves readily demonstrates the diversity of cell types in this organ (9,16 cells (14, 17-19, 23, 28, 30).Glycolysis and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway are the major routes of glucose oxidation in plants, providing ATP, NADH, and NADPH to nonphotosynthetic cells in the light,