Until 1980, there was no such subgroup as 'infinite permutation groups', according to the Mathematics Subject Classification: permutation groups were assumed to be finite. There were a few papers, for example [10,62], and a set of lecture notes by Wielandt [72], from the 1950s. Now, however, there are far more papers on the topic than can possibly be summarised in an article like this one.I shall concentrate on a few topics, following the pattern of my conference lectures: the random graph (a case study); homogeneous relational structures (a powerful construction technique for interesting permutation groups); oligomorphic permutation groups (where the relations with other areas such as logic and combinatorics are clearest, and where a number of interesting enumerative questions arise); and the Urysohn space (another case study). I have preceded this with a short section introducing the language of permutation group theory, and I conclude with briefer accounts of a couple of topics that didn't make the cut for the lectures (maximal subgroups of the symmetric group, and Jordan groups).I have highlighted a few specific open problems in the text. It will be clear that there are many wide areas needing investigation!
Notation and terminologyThis section contains a few standard definitions concerning permutation groups. I write permutations on the right: that is, if g is a permutation of a set Ω, then the image of α under g is written αg.The symmetric group Sym(Ω) on a set Ω is the group consisting of all permutations of Ω. If Ω is infinite and c is an infinite cardinal number not exceeding Ω, the bounded symmetric group BSym c (Ω) consists of all permutations moving fewer than c points; if c = ℵ 0 , this is the finitary symmetric group FSym(Ω) consisting of all finitary permutations (moving only finitely many points). The alternating group Alt(Ω) is the group of all even permutations, where a permutation is even if it moves only finitely many points and acts as an even permutation on its support.Assuming the Axiom of Choice, the only nontrivial normal subgroups of Sym(Ω) for an infinite set Ω are the bounded symmetric groups and the alternating group.A permutation group on a set Ω is a subgroup of the symmetric group on Ω. As noted above, we denote the image of α under the permutation g by αg. For the most part, I will be concerned with the case where Ω is countably infinite.