Aspects of modern medicine cover a huge number of diseases, including postcastration syndrome, which occurs as a result of endocrine testicular dysfunction in men. The relevance of this condition is great, since it is caused by many reasons and is the basis for an inferior life in men. The review shows the impact of this disease on the quality of life and the methods for its treatment. When writing this review, we used data on castration methods and its correction based on materials published in the eLibrary and PubMed databases. The search was carried out using the keywords: “castration”, “post-castration syndrome”, “prostate cancer”. With castration, there is a decrease in serum testosterone levels, as androgens stimulate the growth of prostate cancer. Today, hormone therapy is an alternative to castration in the treatment of prostate cancer. Surgical castration is the gold standard; it can suppress tumor cell proliferation and induce tumor apoptosis, but it causes significant impairment of quality of life. The article presents characteristics of medications, indications, contraindications and side effects of hormone therapy. The quality of life of men with testosterone deficiency is clinically associated with the development of metabolic syndrome, manifested by obesity, hepatic steatosis and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Numerous studies by domestic and foreign scientists confirm the effect of castration in men on their body, which increases the risk of stroke, depression, cognitive disorders and Alzheimer’s disease. Thus, despite the significant advances of modern medicine in the treatment of malignant diseases of prostate, post-castration syndrome remains a completely unexplored problem, which indicates the need for further study and the development of effective therapy.